David Greer

Sport: Cross Country Skiing

Year Received: 2006-2008

Bio: David has been a member of the Yukon Ski Team program for nearly ten years, where he has evolved from been a quiet and relatively shy young boy to becoming one of the leader amongst the Ski Team. David has certainly led by example over the last few years by becoming a very committed and dedicated athlete. He has helped many of our younger skiers understand what is needed to be successful in sport.

The highlight for David was the Western Canadian Championships in Whitehorse where he earned a bronze medal in a very competitive Junior Boy field in the skate race.  David also represented the Yukon at the Arctic Winter Games in Kenai, Alaska where he won 2 silver, and one bronze medal.  

David has also been a member of the Yukon Cycling Team for the past five years, and like his winter sport David has matured from a quiet, unassuming competitor at the Western Canada Summer Games in Selkirk, Manitoba  TO a seasoned veteran placing 11th out of a field of 60 at this summer's Canadian National Mountain Bike Championship.


Ted Stephens - 2009


Daniel Sessford - 2003 & 2005