Your hub for sport information.
Sport Yukon is your hub for information and resources that help support Yukon sport organizations.
National Sport Resources
Canadian Women & Sport
Programs and resources in support of gender equity initiatives.
Sport Law
A Canada-wide team of industry experts providing training and resources on a variety of legal topics in sport.
Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
From True Sport to ethcal leadership to anti-doping and beyond, CCES is your resource for national initiatives in sport ethics.
Sport & Recreation Branch Resources & Programs
Respect in Sport
An online program to help youth leaders, coaches, officials, and participants deeal with issues such as: bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination.
High Performance
Information and funding resources for high performance athletes, coaches, and officials.
Funding for Sport Organizations
Sport governing bodies, special recreation groups, and other community organizations may be eligible for funding through the branch.