George Arcand
Hall of Fame
If ever there was a coaching champion, George Arcand’s name would be top of mind
George has spent numerous years in the Yukon developing the sport of fastball as a coach and administrator. He was the Team Leader for the Canada Senior Men’s Fastball Team at the World Championships, bringing bronze home in 1986. A year later he lifted to team to the top of the podium at the Pan Am Games by winning the gold medal game.
George has held the positions of Vice President of the National Softball Board and President of Softball Yukon. An administrator through and through, he also took on the role of Executive Director of Softball Yukon.
Coaching many teams to the nationals means George was instrumental in ensuring Softball Yukon hosted many successful events. He was also involved in the Senior Men’s Hockey League as the treasurer for four years and assisted in organizing the first Triple A Championships held in the Yukon. In 1992 George served as the President of the Arctic Winter Games Host Society.
Since its inception in 1973, the Yukon Sports Federation called up George to take up a position on its board. Many of those years were spent working tirelessly as its President. The Federation is now known as Sport Yukon. His greatest accomplishments are two sport and recreational facilities in Whitehorse. George was a key force in the building of the Takhini Softball Complex as well as the Sport and Recreation Administrative Centre on 4th Avenue.
A true builder, George’s name is a cornerstone of our Hall of Fame.