Supporting Yukon Athletes

Made possible by Lotteries Yukon, the Athlete Participation Fund provides up to $500 to help Yukon families manage the expenses of travel within and outside of the territory for representative Yukon athletes.

What is the APF?

The Athlete Participation Fund is a time-limited fund designed to support Yukon families with:

  1. Participant costs for Territorial Sport Organization representative team or representative individual travel within and outside the Yukon (ie. National competitions)

  2. Team Yukon participation fees for:

    • Canada Summer/Winter Games

    • North American Indigenous Games

    • Arctic Winter Games

  3. Youth athletes from Yukon communities travelling to Whitehorse for high performance training


Residents from Whitehorse & Periphery

Communities included in the Whitehorse periphery include:

  • Carcross, Lake Laberge, Mt. Lorne, Marsh Lake, and Mendenhall

For those residents of Whitehorse and the communities in the list above, funding is available for Yukon youth, aged 18 years and younger, for only those with a family combine household net income under:

  • $46,818 with one child;

  • $54,100 with two children;

  • $60,343 with three children; and

  • $66,585 with four or more children.

Required Eligibility Documents:

  • Revenue Canada Notice of Assessment or recent Social Assistance Budget Sheet

    • AND

  • Most recent Canada Child Benefit Statement (issued on July 20th of every year)

Residents from
Other Yukon Communities

Funding is available for Yukon youth, aged 18 years and younger. No income restrictions apply for athletes from the following communities::

  • Burwash Landing
    Dawson City
    Destruction Bay
    Haines Junction
    Keno City
    Old Crow
    Pelly Crossing
    Ross River
    Watson Lake



Applications for funding are recommended to be submitted two weeks prior to travel. Applications submitted after the time of travel may not be considered.

Proof of Participation

Proof of the athlete’s participation (e.g., a photo of the scorecard with the athlete’s name on it) must be submitted along with all receipts within two weeks of return from travel. Insufficient proof of participation will disqualify this application.


Each application requires an endorsement from either the Chef de Mission (for NAIG, CSG, or AWG funding) or a representative with the sport organization with whom the athlete is training (for out-of-territory competition funding). The endorser of the application must seek from the athlete, and disclose to Sport Yukon, any additional funding sources the athlete may receive in relation to the funding sought in this application. To determine eligibility, Sport Yukon may share the athlete’s name and funding request with other funding agencies.

Apply to the Athlete Participation Fund