A Celebration of Community Wellness
Sport Yukon member organizations seeking sponsorships and donations that fall outside other Air North, Yukon’s Airline programs can apply through Spirit in Action.
What is Spirit in Action?
Since 1977, Air North, Yukon’s Airline has offered sponsorships and donations though the Spirit in Action program - supporting community wellness, prosperity, and support for the communities served by Air North.
Through Spirit in Action, Sport Yukon member organizations can seek support for their events and initiatives that fall outside of the Air North Travel Program, GOAL Fund, and Make It Happen sport tourism program.
Funding Guidelines
For Sport Yukon member organizations, Air North, Yukon’s Airline is not able to consider requests that include or are for:
Trips, tours, conferences, and travel expenses for individuals
Initiatives that benefit only one or a few people
Religious organizations or events, unless they are engaged in a significant project benefitting an entire community
For-profit or government organizations
Programs or services outside of the Six Pillars
Health and wellness; Arts, culture, and sports; Youth development; Yukon First Nations; Environment; Education and lifelong learning
Third-party fundraising events
Air North sponsors NGOs directly
Political fundraisers or political-related events
Activities that represent a risk to personal safety and wellbeing
Film, video, television, and book productions
Cash donations
Gifts In-Kind
Through Air North, Yukon’s Airline’s Gifts In-Kind program, organizations are able to receive Travel Certificates and Gift Certificates, which can be used for:
Raffle prizes
Live auction items
Offsetting the cost of travel for keynote speakers
How to Apply
Air North, Yukon’s Airline asks that requests through this program be made by email. However, due to the large number of requests received, they are not able to support all the organizations who get in touch.
Sport Yukon encourages our member organizations to think strategically and where possible try to submit a single proposal encompassing their requests for the entire season/year. This helps Air North in their planning and budgeting and helps sport organizations in communicating the scope of their sponsorship needs.
Sport Yukon staff can assist in the planning and preparation of sponsorship asks through the Spirit in Action program.