Giving Our Athletes A Lift
Our funding programs play an important role in our community, increasing access to sport and recreation to families, athletes, coaches, and sport and recreation organizations.
Air North GOAL Application
Air North, Yukon’s Airline, is pleased to announce the GOAL (Giving Our Athletes a Lift) Program.
Under this program, Air North, Yukon’s Airline provides Sport Yukon with thirty (30) flight segments in the form of travel certificates to be allocated to athletes who are members of Yukon Sport Governing Bodies (YSGBs). These flight segments entitle the athlete to travel for the purpose of competing in a recognized sporting event outside of the territory, including competitions, training, try-outs, and tournaments.
These travel certificates will be allocated to athletes at the choosing of Air North, Yukon’s Airline with consideration based on:
Caliber and/or significance of the event or training to the athlete’s sporting career
Other sources of funding available to the athlete
The athlete’s demonstrated commitment to:
Sport and healthy living
Community involvement
A yearly training program
INTAKE for this funding program occurs annually in August. Applications are now closed for the 2024-2025 year.
Be 13-18 years of age
Be a Canadian Citizen, or be a Permanent Resident, for at least 12 months prior to submission deadline
Hold a valid Yukon Health Care Card
Be a resident of the Yukon 6 months prior to the deadline for submission. If attending an educational institution outside of the Yukon, the applicant must have Yukon resident status
Be a member in good standing of a recognized YSGB (Yukon Sport Governing Body), if one exists
Be eligible to compete as a representative of the Yukon in inter-provincial competitions
Be on a formal 12-month training and competition program which indicates the nature of training, the number of sessions, hours per week as well as the planned competitions for the complete 12-month period
Apply as an individual athlete. Team sport athletes are considered under this program
Previous GOAL athletes are welcome to reapply
To be eligible for Air North, Yukon’s Airline’s GOAL Program, you must NOT:
Be a recipient of Yukon High Performance Athlete Assistance Program funding – Gold Level
Be eligible for Air North travel benefits as an employee, a designate, or family member of an employee
To apply for this program, applicants will need to submit the following documents:
Completed GOAL application form
Letter of recommendation from the athlete’s coach
Letter of recommendation from the Sport Governing Body President
Air North, Yukon’s Airline Travel Certificates
Terms & Conditions
Additional details regarding usage will be provided to recipients upon receiving the travel certificate.
Travel Period
The recipient will have a one-year period to travel from the date of issue. Blackout dates are waived. Extensions are not permitted.
Fees & Taxes
The recipient will be required to pay the Airport Improvement Fee, Security Fee, Fuel Surcharge, and taxes applicable to the route selected at the time of booking.
2024-2025 GOAL Recipients
Simon Connell
Cross Country Skiing
Lia Hinchey
Zuri Howard
Stian Langbakk
Geneviève Lefebvre
Some of Our Previous Recipients