John Grant
Organization: Hockey
Year Received: 2012
Bio: John Grant has been the driving force behind Whitehorse Minor Hockey for many years. His official title was President but he did much more. He is the strong silent type who works day and night, to get the job done properly. His administrative skills are bar none, whether it be Executive meetings, ice scheduling, supporting female hockey, coach clinics, officials training…he did it all and did it with class. John would always be counted on to have a vision of what minor hockey should be and his ingrained ethics and integrity assured he was a role model for all. One coach referred to John in this way “If this were middle earth, he would be Gandalf”.
Teslin and Haines Junction had this to say…”Although his title was President of Whitehorse Minor hockey, he always supported hockey in the communities. As a result Teslin and Haines Junction travelled into Whitehorse on Sundays to play a game in the Whitehorse minor house league. This was an incredible display of support. Our kids received some game experience prior to playing in the Yukon championships, so this exposure was huge.”