Bonnie Love

Organization: Athletics Yukon

Year Received: 2018

Bio: As volunteer treasurer, Bonnie has produced numerous large and onerous funding submissions and reports, and graciously and enthusiastically assisted members of Athletics Yukon in applying for Lotteries Yukon travel support funding.  The assistance Bonnie has provided includes answering questions about the program, collecting applications, ensuring that the applications are complete, submitting them to lotteries Yukon, and then writing cheques, to close to 100 successful applicants who received funding this year.

Athletics Yukon supports the training of coaches and the development of athletes.  Bonnie, in her position as treasurer, worked with the Athletics Yukon Board in identifying certified facilitators, organized all their logistics, ensured they were well fed and housed, and essentially preventing them from having to worry about anything but facilitating training to our coaches.  Bonnie then processed all receipts, invoices and payments to finish off the process.  This year, with Bonnie’s assistance, six coaches received certification at the Club Coach Level in Endurance, Sprints & Hurdles, and Throws.

Without Bonnie’s dedication, the Athletics Yukon board would not have the skills or capacity to be able to provide the number of programs it does today.  It is for these reasons that Athletics Yukon has nominated Bonnie Love for the recognition as the Administrator of the Year.


Leslie Raenden - 2019


Dan Poelman - 2017